Many people start eating right and soon realize that their food costs have increased significantly. And, as a result, they rush to the conclusion that a healthy lifestyle is beyond their means. Useful products are really more expensive than standard ones. But to despair or spend a lot of money on products is not worth it. We offer ways to help you start eating right without harming your budget.

Cook Yourself

Cooking at home solves several problems at once. Firstly, when cooking on your own, you yourself regulate the amount of oil and salt (they are usually used a lot in establishments), and secondly, you spend many times less money. By the way, if you happen to eat away from home, split your portion in half with a friend. This way you save both calories and money.

Make A Meal Plan

At first glance, this banal advice is very effective. Try to plan your groceries a few weeks in advance, so you can pick groceries for a specific budget and have a better idea of ​​how much money is being spent and on what.
It is possible that after such a competent approach, you will notice that proper nutrition is not much more expensive than what you are already accustomed to, especially if you reduce the cost of buying delicious food, but not mandatory. 
The meal plan should be based on what dishes you are going to cook. So, you will be sure that all purchased products will go to waste and nothing will go bad. It is better to give preference to simple dishes that do not require many components.
When shopping for groceries, be sure to consider the ones you already have in your fridge. Decide how many times a day you will eat, as well as what exactly you will cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Choose Store Brands 

Don't chase established brands. Firms of stores are cheaper, but at the same time they are often not inferior in quality to brands. So, you can save from 30% to 50% by giving preference to store brands.

Freeze Food

One proven way to eat healthy on a small budget is to stock up on healthy foods in large quantities when they're on sale at a low price and freeze them. The price of fruits and vegetables in season is much cheaper, so buy more of them. And you won't have to purchase these products at high prices when the season is over.

Buy Products in Bulk

Buying products at a wholesale price is seriously more profitable. Nuts, quinoa, brown rice - have a fairly long shelf life. Find a place to store them in your home and you won't have to spend on them weekly at the supermarket.

Include Beans in Your Diet

You may be surprised, but beans and meat contain the same amount of protein, but the difference in price is very noticeable. Dried beans are much healthier and cheaper than canned ones. Also available and useful are lentils and peas.

Salt the Fish Yourself

As an option, purchase a fresh whole carcass of red fish at the wholesale market and salt it. You will use the resulting delicacy for a long time with sandwiches and salads, and from the head and scraps you will get an excellent ear. If you buy a ready-made herring, buy it whole and cut it yourself. It is much cheaper than fish already cut into pieces and packaged. 

Find Replacements For Your Favorite Foods

Many of us have attachments to certain foods. Complete exclusion from the diet of your favorite foods will require serious willpower and at the same time will negatively affect your mood. For many, such prohibitions end in breakdowns and eating other harmful dishes and products. Therefore, try to replace your favorite product or dish with a very similar, but at the same time useful. Pizza lovers can turn their attention to recipes for a healthier version of pizza. Such an analogue will help you enjoy food without harming your figure and budget.


Ready-made salad dressings are high in salt, so try making your own. It's healthier and cheaper. Use spices, honey, lemon and garlic, soy sauce, and you get quite interesting combinations.

Avoid Carbonated and Other Store-Bought Drinks

Switch to water instead of carbonated drinks, because it is both healthier and cheaper.

Filter Your Own Water

Regular purchase of a filter is ten times cheaper than buying bottled water. 

Get a Blender

With it, you can cook such expensive products as hummus, cheese cream and other sauces on your own.
Following these tips, it is quite possible to switch to a healthy diet and at the same time stop being perplexed when leaving the store about the amount of food in the package and the money spent on them.

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