Does your morning start with a headache? How dangerous can such a condition be? Let's look at a few possible causes of this condition.

Sleep Disorders

At night, the body is restored. If the quality of sleep is disturbed for any reason, it is not uncommon for a person to experience headaches.


With this disease, a person’s airways are blocked in a dream, provoking breath holding for several seconds.
Symptoms of the disease:

  • awakening due to lack of air;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • strong snoring is characteristic at night;
  • decrease in performance during the day.
The occurrence of this pathological condition, as a rule, is a consequence of serious diseases: metabolic disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, neurotic conditions. If you find the symptoms listed above, you need to consult a therapist or neurologist and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis in the direction of specialists.

Sleep Deprivation

The optimal duration of sleep helps a person to fully relax and recover. According to somnologists, headaches increase if the duration of sleep is less than 6 hours and more than 8.5.
You can improve your night's sleep by doing the following on a regular basis:

  • adjust sleep and rest;
  • exercise regularly;
  • before going to bed, exclude watching TV and working at the computer;
  • prepare the room for sleeping in advance, airing it;
  • do not drink alcohol, green tea and coffee shortly before going to bed;
  • take a relaxing bath before going to rest;
  • use aromatherapy and meditation to relieve stress.

Depression and the Use of Psychotropic Drugs

Chronic headaches are characteristic of a mental health disorder such as depression. Deep and intense experiences exhaust the human psyche, provoking insomnia and, as a result, pain in the head. Taking medications associated with the treatment of the disease helps to reduce anxiety and level out the manifestations of a depressive state. However, psychotropic drugs have numerous side effects. Including migraines and headache attacks.

Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol causes a hangover. One of its symptoms is headache. As well as a violation of the ability to concentrate on any activity and general weakness of the body. Alcohol dehydrates the body by constricting blood vessels in the brain. The supply of cells with oxygen is disrupted, blood flow slows down. This is what causes headaches. It is important to remember that there is no safe portion of alcohol. Consumption of any amount carries a risk to human health.


A strong grinding of teeth in a dream, and sometimes during wakefulness, is associated with malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system of the body. Serious problems can arise if bruxism is severe.
The disease may be accompanied by symptoms and complications:

  • damage, erasure of teeth;
  • pain in the lower jaw or temple area;
  • soreness in the neck, ears;
  • migraines;
  • gum deformation;
  • sleep disorder;
  • headaches in the morning.
The appearance of the above symptoms is a signal that it is time to go for advice to a medical institution.

Headache is a Symptom of a Serious Illness

Sometimes it happens that pain in the head is a secondary symptom. The reasons that cause it can be very serious.
It is necessary to visit a general practitioner or neurologist to obtain a further plan of action and undergo a comprehensive examination if the following symptoms occur:

  • recurrence of headaches more than twice in 7-10 days;
  • fixing frequent headaches in a person after 50;
  • sudden onset of a sharp headache and a feeling of stiffness in the neck;
  • the occurrence of headache after hitting the head;
  • pain appears suddenly, is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, fever, but is not associated with any disease;
  • there is double vision, loss of consciousness, dizziness;
  • the nature of pain sensations changes dramatically;
  • there is an attack of shortness of breath, convulsions;
  • recurring headaches in children.

Headache in the morning can be caused by various reasons, often they are related. Anxiety, mental disorders provoke sleep disorders and alcohol abuse. The result is malaise and headache. The solution to the problem is possible only after breaking this vicious circle.
In the situations described above, a headache should be the reason for contacting a neurologist . Self-medication and uncontrolled medication will only worsen the situation. Careful and responsible attitude of a person to his health and the health of loved ones will help to avoid serious problems.

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