A person is not at all interested in this question until the heart is disturbed, but at the first ailment he wants to learn more about the work of his heart in order to exclude repetitions. And rightly so, because it is imperative to get acquainted with the special literature on this topic in order to be informed if a heart attack occurs or even a slight heart pain occurs.

Heart Disease

The most common heart diseases are coronary heart disease and angina pectoris.

Ischemia is when there is not enough blood to properly feed the heart muscle. Why is there no oxygen? Because the vessels are narrowed, their lumen is reduced due to spasm or sclerotic deposits on the walls, decay products are not carried away, too much “waste”, the myocardium weakens, suffocates, which is fraught with heart failure. With angina pectoris, which is the first form of heart disease, the coronary vessels are partially clogged, the lumen is slightly narrowed. What are the symptoms? Angina pectoris is characterized by pain behind the sternum, which often radiates under the shoulder blade, in the left arm, in the lower jaw and in the teeth on the left.

The next form of IHD is myocardial infarction. In this condition, the lumen of one coronary vessel or even several completely overlaps.

Our heart is a small pump that pumps blood around our body non-stop. The heart is four-chambered, and each chamber has its own function. Blood is sequentially driven through a loop resembling a mathematical sign of infinity: from the veins it ends up in the right atrium, then it is pushed out into the lungs by the right ventricle to be saturated with oxygen and return to the left atrium. Then, from the left ventricle, blood is carried to all organs of the body, nourishing them. During the day, the heart contracts 100 thousand times, distilling about 7000 liters of blood, and this is practically a tank!

Heart disease is not random. It seems that a heart attack occurs suddenly, against the background of complete health. In fact, there are objective circumstances that lead to heart disease, and factors that contribute to this. Possible risk factors include:

1. Hereditary predisposition, gender (men get sick more often than women) and age are objective and irremovable reasons.

2. Subjective factors that can be avoided:
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • obesity, increased blood cholesterol levels; 
  • disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of movement (hypodynamia).
All these factors are accompanied by even increased blood pressure - this is a huge risk for the heart.

Healthy Heart and Psycho-Emotional Factor

The psycho-emotional factor is also extremely important in the development of heart diseases: chronic stress, constant worries. How to painlessly reduce risks? You need to decide for yourself what is more important: to keep your habits, to stay in the same rut, not caring about the consequences, or to minimize the risks, and some to eliminate altogether.

First of all, you can get rid of nicotine addiction if every time you suppress the desire to smoke, for example, by the habit of doing breathing exercises, which will create a favorable environment for the functioning of the body as a whole. Here's how it works: Deep breathing burns fat (weight loss), enriches the body with oxygen, reducing the workload on the heart. The breathing technique is as follows: first, slowly release the air from the lungs. Pause for 2-3 seconds. Then - a deep breath, inflating the stomach. Again hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Make a fractional exhalation in small sharp portions through the lips. It resembles a sob or a laugh.

Weight loss normalizes the blood pressure that usually accompanies the core, additional oxygen does not allow the vessels to become more clogged, carrying away "waste". If you add brisk walking in the fresh air and a change in eating habits to this, the quality of life and health will improve significantly.

How to start preventing heart disease? Learn to relieve even a minimal attack with deep breathing. A heart attack is removed in the three cycles described above. Help the heart to pump blood. How? Only movement, training muscles.

If you have minor symptoms or heart complaints, do not ignore them, you should immediately consult a doctor. Protecting your heart and taking care of your health is necessary at any age.

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