The Moon, as we all know it, is our only natural satellite, and the fifth largest within the solar system, and contrary to what you believe, it does not emit light by itself, thus being a dark sphere with a gray color. Just as it is the only celestial body that human beings have stepped on outside of Earth.

Our beautiful natural satellite is admired by many of us during clear nights, but have you ever wondered how old it is? This unknown is very big, and it could even be difficult to know, but today we are here to give you an idea.

Science leads us to think that the Moon could be millions of years younger than we could imagine. There is a hypothesis that our natural satellite was formed as a result of a collision between a protoplanet and what is now planet Earth. Remember that with a protoplanet we refer to a body that never became a planet, remaining quite small in size, another way of calling it is also a planetary embryo.

From this great impact, the spillage of lunar magma was produced as a consequence of molten rocks, which over the years began to become a solid state, thus beginning the formation of what we know today as the Moon, which later began to orbit. what today our planet.

A geophysicist named Maxime Maurice from the Aerospace Center, along with his colleagues, hypothesize that this collision happened at least 140 million years after the Solar System was what it is today, and to give you an idea, the latter formed approximately 4567 million years ago. Don't you find it surprising?

And this is not all, two time scales were taken into account, one is the age of Planet Earth when it was brutally hit, and the second scale is the time that elapsed from this great collision until the magma cooled and solidified forming the moon.

It is estimated that all this occurred within at least 200 years, according to Science Alert, simulations were carried out of how the silicate of the Moon developed over time, reaching the conclusion that our precious satellite has a age of 4.425 million years. This without taking into account how much magma it could have been, nor was it thought of cracks or holes in the moon that could delay cooling and solidification.

Even with all these specifications that for now we believe to be the final result, scientists will not sit idly by and agree with this, so the moon's age number will probably change, especially when the mission to the moon takes place., bringing with it new knowledge and even evidence.

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