It was stated that after the action of business people who signed abroad to stop artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is now trying to produce a 'language of its own' that has never existed in the world.

A new feature of artificial intelligence, whose development we follow with the fear of taking jobs away from us, has emerged. 

ChatGPT will encode the texts to apply a compression technique to fix the storage problem. So this means that artificial intelligence will develop a language of its own.

The Reason For Language Development Of Artificial Intelligence: Opening Storage

Such abbreviation techniques of artificial intelligence systems are not a new development, but this system of ChatGPT has attracted a lot of attention recently. Converting the entire previous conversation to a minimum number of icons, ChatGPT uses the storage space in the most efficient way.

ChatGPT, which has a new language system in itself, also performs a few instructions to fully restore the conversation window. 

Since the results provided by the compressed text format are not perfect, users can access their old conversations in full thanks to the instructions entered on the platform.

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